
Get Lippy with your Customers!

Top 3 Reasons to Use Promotional Lip Balm for your Business

Want to leave a unique and lasting impression on your guests or customers?

Lip Balm may just be the new IT marketing tool for your hotel or business.

Think about it - They’re inexpensive, versatile and make a great addition to your existing marketing plan.

If you’re still on the fence, here are 3 reasons to use custom print lip balm for your business.

1 . Lasting Impressions

Studies show that combining marketing literature with promotional products, like branded lip balm, it’s one of the surest ways to make a good impression on prospective customers. When people receive something thoughtful like lip balm, they’re more likely to remember who they got it from and where they got it. People tend to forget magazine ads, billboards or radio ads unless they’re extremely memorable, but ask someone about that recent lip balm they received, and they’ll have a much easier time remembering what it was and who gave it to them.

Given how hard you work to get in front of someone for even a few minutes, shouldn’t you leave a lasting impact? Promotional lip balm can pave the way for productive follow-up contact and a better sales conversion rate.

2. Company Name or Product Change

Change can be confusing — even traumatic — for customers. A simple lip balm can help reassure them that while your company or product name may change, your commitment to their satisfaction remains the same. They can also help you educate customers about the benefits of your new and improved product by directing them to a website or reaffirming a mission statement.

3. Improve Customer Relations

Building customer loyalty is key for two reasons: 1) satisfied customers are the best source of quality referrals, and 2) your competitors are constantly targeting your best customers.
What’s the main reason why companies lose customers? Believe it or not, it’s not price. It’s not even the quality of the product or service. Nearly 70% of defecting customers mostly say “perceived indifference” is the reason they’re taking their business somewhere else. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking, “We provide a quality rooms, product or service at a competitive price. That should be enough.” It’s not.

The simplicity of custom lip balm is key; you can both eliminate any “perceived indifference” and create goodwill among your clients and customers. The unexpected “care and attention” is what people talk about – and you can do that, without breaking the bank.

Remember, people hang on to Lip Balm for MONTHS and that means your message and brand will be right front and center. Talk about marketing GOLD!

Design your own logo or we can place your name on one of our 8 In Stock Programs. Either way, our Lip balm will provide new and innovative ways to remind your customers about the value you provide, encouraging repeat business and referrals. And hey, who doesn’t like to get gifts they will ACTUALLY use?


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